
Attendance Secretary: Jan Reney
Email Address to Clear Absence
Phone Number for Questions: 801-402-7906 
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Absences must be cleared by a parent/guardian in writing, either via email or verifiable note.

Syracuse High School recognizes that regular and prompt attendance increases opportunities for students to profit from their educational programs. Frequent absences of students from regular classroom learning experiences disrupt the continuity of the instructional process. Syracuse High School follows these Board of Education approved school academic participation principles:

  1. The entire process of education requires regularity of instruction;

  2. The goal of achieving maximum education benefits requires regular attendance, classroom participation, and study;

  3. It is reasonable to require class participation in evaluating student progress; 

  4. Regular contact of students with each other in the classroom, and student participation in well-planned instructional activities under the direction of a competent teacher are essential to the learning experience.


  • Absences must be cleared within three school days of the student's return. 

  • Absences must be cleared by a parent or guardian.

  • A forged note will result in disciplinary action. 

  • If your student DID NOT miss the class in which they were marked absent, please have your student talk to the teacher.

Attendance Policy

Syracuse High School, Davis School District, and Utah State Law requires that students attend regularly, and that parents bear considerable responsibility in helping to ensure that students are in school when they are required to be there. The guidelines for student attendance at Syracuse are as follows:

  1. All absences must be excused within three days upon the student’s return to school regardless of A or B day in order for the absence to be excused. Students will be held accountable for misrepresenting parental excusal.

  2. Students are responsible for ensuring that all absences are excused through the Attendance Office. This may be accomplished in one of the following ways: (1) through the myDSD app; (2) by bringing a note from home signed by a parent or guardian; (3) by having a parent or guardian email the Attendance Secretary; or (4) by having a parent or guardian drop by the Attendance Office in person. Absences that may be excused by a parent include: family emergency, illness, medical appointment, family vacation, or a funeral. In all cases, the following information must be provided: the exact dates and periods the student was absent, the reason for the absence, and a phone number where the parent or guardian may be reached should a question arise or further verification is necessary. Parents or guardians may contact the Attendance Office at (801) 402-7906 during regular office hours (7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday).

  3. School-excused absences are recorded and are considered part of the education process. All school-excused absences must be authorized in advance. Make-up for school excused absences should be made-up within a reasonable time period according to the course disclosure. 

  4. Make-up work is accepted for excused absences. Teachers are not required to allow a student to make-up work or a test if the student has been truant from their class and the teacher may choose not to allow make-up work for an absence that is not excused by a parent or legal guardian. 

  5. Students are considered absent if they are late to class by more than fifteen minutes.

  6. Students who are more than 15 minutes late for any class must report directly to the Attendance Office for an admit slip before reporting to class. These students will also need verification from a parent or guardian explaining the absence in order for it to be excused. 

  7. Students who leave school before the end of the day are required to check out through the Attendance Office. This must be done with parent or guardian permission only (a signed note or phone call). Students who leave school or class without permission may be considered truant.

  8. Students who are planning an extended absence should get an "Advanced Notification of Extended Absence" form from the office. Students need to take this form to each teacher to receive assignments or instructions on obtaining make-up work for credit. 

  9. Any student who is habitually tardy to class or has excessive absences may be re placed in PM School. They will no longer attend during the regular school day. They will attend from 2:30-4:30 Monday-Thursday.

For attendance policies during Release Time see section titled: RELEASE TIME/HOME RELEASE/OFF CAMPUS PROGRAMS